EMCI awards annual grants up to $3,000 for projects in scientific research, environmental conservation, and local history and culture. All submissions must relate to Downeast Maine (specifically east of Frenchman’s Bay) and should meet the requirements below.
Proposal Requirements:
- A cover page with the applicant’s name/email/address, a contact person and the CEO (if different), the project title, and a one-paragraph summary of the project.
- The following sections are required:
- Overview of the organization, including the mission statement.
- Detailed project description, including a plan, methodologies, and schedule.
- Impact and benefits of project to eastern Maine communities and the potential importance on state level.
- Qualifications of applicant organization and key project personnel.
- Collaboration with and support from other non-profits, educational institutions, and government agencies.
- Plan for disseminating project results and/or work products.
- A complete budget. (Note: Indirect costs are not supported). Also, if a project is multi-year, plan for future funding or self-sustainability should be outlined. Please include detailed information on other funds requested or received.
- If applicable, attach documentation of IRS non-profit status.
Proposals should be submitted via email to grantinfo@emcimaine.org by February 28. Proposals received after that date will not be considered.
Grant recipients will be notified in March. All grant recipients are required to submit a written report of the project for which EMCI funds are received.